
Hi! I'm Sarah @Rise Above Living

With a B.A. in psychology and being certified in EFT, Reiki and BEAM therapy, along with being an empath and HSP (highly sensitive person) I have learned some of the BEST ways to cope with life's stresses. I love teaching these techniques and tools AND continue to benefit from them. I have a passion for helping others and I have a deep desire to see this world evolve to be a happier and more joyful place. Check out the resources I offer below and sign up for my newsletter!

Green Heart Healing
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🥰Be Thankful for LOVE: Healing the Heart Chakra❤️

Hello Sensi-Seeker Love Energy Teachings... Green Heart Magic 3 Benefits of a Healthy Heart Chakra This week we focus on the HEART chakra. This is located in the center of the chest and the element associated with it is air. The following are 3 major benefits of healing this chakra, AND some ways to heal/empower it. 1. More Love of Self & Others Healing the heart chakra means that the energy of love can be more easily produced within and received. Often people speak of a “wall” up. This wall...

Let your inner-sun shine!

Hello Sensi-Seeker Let Your Inner Sun Shine... Sun Magic 3 Benefits of a Healthy Solar Plexus This week we focus on the solar plexus/navel chakra. This is located just above the navel, and the element associated with it is fire. The following are 3 major benefits of healing this chakra, AND some ways to heal/empower it. 1. More Confidence The navel chakra is the personality center, where you develop your sense of self and trust in your actions. The more you build trust in your "gut" feelings...

Red Sunset Power Ignites Root Chakra

Hello Sensi-Seeker Ignite Your Root Chakra Red Power 3 Benefits of a Strong Root Recently, I have been delving into the lessons of the Chakras and their energies again. In doing so, I was able to connect deeply in a spiritual way and was led to a much healthier frame of mind and energy. Let's just say before then, I was not in a good place. Due to the origins of the chakras (which are ancient, dating back to the Vedic texts from 1500-500 BCE), they really do hold such great lessons for...

Hello Sensi-Seeker Overcome Your FEARS Heart Expansion Fear is my Middle Name Some of my earliest memories have been related to fear. I feel like I was born into this world being fearful of basically EVERYTHING. My parents will even tell you I used to hide in the cupboards, closets, and the cubby hole often. School was even a challenge as I dreaded going every day. Finally, in my 20s I discovered this was because of my hyper-sensitivity to everything and my active imagination (picturing...

Hello Sensi-Seeker Receive More Love Heart Expansion My Ah-Ha Moment It is not very usual for me to be out in public on Valentine’s Day but yesterday my husband and I decided to take advantage of a day off while the kids were at school and treat ourselves to brunch. Also, I happen to have to go into the grocery store to get a few things. Being an observant person, I noticed something different. The energy was different, more loving. I am not usually a fan of Valentine’s Day (actually quite...

Peace is the best gift

Hello Sensi-Seeker Give Yourself Some PEACE Allow for Peaceful Presence You ARE Allowed! For those of you who have been keeping track, NO, I have not sent out the LAST week for our Empath Solutions mini course. I was going to send that out today but given this time of year, for those of you in the U.S..A or, even Canada, this weekend can be a hectic one! And for the highly sensitive types and empaths, it can be ROUGH. So, this is a little reminder to make sure you squeeze in some SELF-CARE in...

monarch butterfly perched on orange flower in close up photography during daytime

Hello Sensi-Seeker 5 Weeks of Empath Solutions Let the butterfly show you the way to build strength. Week 3: Resilience & How to Build it First of all, yes, I know I am late! Ironically enough, the reason is related to the empath challenge discussed today: emotional resilience. Due to many overwhelming and demanding events going on in my life in the last few weeks, it slipped my mind this commitment and I apologize! Why Resilience is Important but Hard for Empaths Emotional resilience, is...

boundary walls

Hello Sensi-Seeker 5 Weeks of Empath Solutions Flying to Guide Your Way Week 3: Prioritize Self-Care For the last couple of weeks, if you missed it, I talked about other empath challenges such as emotional overwhelm. Here is the blog post regarding this topic, titled, "Overwhelming Feelings as an Empath? 3 Easy Solutions". Last week, we talked about setting boundaries, a much-needed skill in an empath's toolkit. This week, let's discuss self-care in more depth. It is definitely not a new...

boundary walls

Hello Sensi-Seeker 5 Weeks of Empath Solutions Flying to Guide Your Way Week 2: Boundary Setting Last week, if you missed it, I talked about emotional overwhelm, its root causes, and solutions to those causes. Here is the final blog post regarding this topic, titled, "Overwhelming Feelings as an Empath? 3 Easy Solutions". As mentioned in the above post, boundary setting can be a tool used to help with "taking on" too much physical responsibility that isn't yours. As empaths, learning how and...

five birds flying on the sea

Hello Sensi-Seeker 5 Weeks of Empath Solutions Flying to Guide Your Way Week 1: Emotional Overwhelm As promised here are some tools to help you navigate through emotional overwhelm! Due to some delays, I do not yet have the full blog post up but, as my subscribers you get to have an exclusive sneak peek! When the full blog is available, I will let you know ASAP. Until then... Here are 3 Major Root Causes of Overwhelm, with their Solutions: We feel and sense others’ energy and tend to “take...