
Hi! I'm Sarah @Rise Above Living

Week 1: Solutions to Overwhelm

Published 8 months ago • 3 min read

Hello Sensi-Seeker

5 Weeks of Empath Solutions

Week 1: Emotional Overwhelm

As promised here are some tools to help you navigate through emotional overwhelm! Due to some delays, I do not yet have the full blog post up but, as my subscribers you get to have an exclusive sneak peek! When the full blog is available, I will let you know ASAP. Until then...

Here are 3 Major Root Causes of Overwhelm, with their Solutions:

  1. We feel and sense others’ energy and tend to “take on” that energy. The solution to this is to say to yourself, “I am letting go of others’ karma. It is not my responsibility, but I send them love and well wishes.” Take a deep breath and truly release these feelings. A bonus tip to help release the energy of others is by smudging or doing another cleansing process (mindful shower, etc.).
  2. Guilt or shame for our feelings/the impact they have on others, on top of the "original" emotions. The solution to this is, a moment of Self Love by asking, “What could I do right now that would make me feel SAFE?” And do what first comes to mind. Some ideas are; massaging your hands or feet, putting on calming music, closing your eyes and giving yourself a hug, and going for a walk and/or sitting and being present with nature.
"If you're depressed, you're living in the past. If you're anxious, you're living in the future. If you're at peace, you're living in the present." - Lao Tzu

3. Not being present/living in the past, future, or both. The solution to this is practicing presence. The acts of self-love and grounding above are perfect examples. These acts are a 2-in-1 because they not only allow you to feel loved and safe, but they also train your mind to calm and live in your presence/lessen your worries. Of course, to expedite this, you can put these actions into a meditative process or prolong the time you do it.

BONUS SOLUTION: Actionable Presence

Let's face it, we don't have too much control over the past or the future, and that is why when it comes to our flood of emotions when dealing with situations it is important to put the power into the PRESENT. As opposed to staying stuck in the past or future mentioned above.

When we are hitting more roadblocks and the above solutions are not enough, move your Presence Practice into something productive. This is so you can feel calmer, a little more in control, and see POSITIVE effects on your future right away, easing some worries associated with the situation.

First, put yourself in a state of safety (as mentioned above). For example, put your hand on your heart, take 3 deep breaths with your worry in mind, and ask the above question, “What can I do that would make the upcoming situation better/easier?” Let your intuition, not your “head” guide you.

Answers may look like the following; to contact a certain person, do some artwork, research a new topic, start a dream journal, etc. Basically, it could literally be ANYTHING. At first, it may feel or sound weird, but we never know what possibilities are waiting when we are willing to shift these energies!

By doing this you are doing what is best for yourself at the moment AND what is for the "greater" good for others, the world at large, because that is what our intuition calls us to do. It always has the BEST interest at play.

Ready for a full-out overhaul of your mind, guiding you into self-love, empowerment, peace, productivity, positivity, and JOY? Click the button below to access the Free Your Mind program!

Or, if you are just starting your journey in the well-being and energy-healing world, I would love to chat with you about your needs in a FREE consult!

With love, light, and joy always,


P.S. Be sure to JOIN our Facebook Group! I am always there to help support your healing and thriving journey! There is even a chat option to ask me or the group any questions you want!

40-80 old country drive, Kitchener, Ontario N2E2E5
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Hi! I'm Sarah @Rise Above Living

Certified Energy Therapist for Empaths and HSPs

With a B.A. in psychology and being certified in EFT, Reiki and BEAM therapy, along with being an empath and HSP (highly sensitive person) I have learned some of the BEST ways to cope with life's stresses. I love teaching these techniques and tools AND continue to benefit from them. I have a passion for helping others and I have a deep desire to see this world evolve to be a happier and more joyful place. Check out the resources I offer below and sign up for my newsletter!

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