
Hi! I'm Sarah @Rise Above Living

💘🤗Let the LOVE in: A Quick Solution🤗💘

Published 3 months ago • 3 min read

Hello Sensi-Seeker

Receive More Love

My Ah-Ha Moment

It is not very usual for me to be out in public on Valentine’s Day but yesterday my husband and I decided to take advantage of a day off while the kids were at school and treat ourselves to brunch. Also, I happen to have to go into the grocery store to get a few things.

Being an observant person, I noticed something different. The energy was different, more loving. I am not usually a fan of Valentine’s Day (actually quite the cynic) and think it is another way for corporations to make more money, etc., etc. But yesterday had me feeling a TOTALLY different way.

I thought it was so beautiful how all these people were out making an EFFORT to show they cared about their loved ones. Some were out with friends, their parents, or their partners or were alone and treating themselves or, buying something for someone else.

This time of year can be a nice reminder to make that small effort. Because it can make a WORLD of difference to ourselves or a loved one.

Step 1: Let the Negative Pass

Not feeling so great this week due to not receiving the love you deserve and giving too much of yourself? Or reminders of ones lost, or other negative occurrences?

I get it, being empathic or highly sensitive people, we tend to let in a lot of negativity. We allow this to bog us down and creep into every aspect of our lives. We unconsciously believe that by doing this we are loving others, by punishing ourselves, but we are very wrong.

For example, listening with empathy is great but taking on the energy of the negative situation (you can tell you did because you feel terrible after, hours or days later) is NOT. Not for you or anyone else.

Ok, so… how can we use this same talent of being able to absorb energy (yes, it IS a talent haha), to our benefit? You can go straight to simply focusing your intention on the positive, however, it is more effective if you create a tool first in which you can block or let the negative “pass” by.

The easiest way to do this is one of the oldest clearing techniques, smudging. Here is a link to learn more about this practice: SMUDGE.

If you prefer not to use this technique, you can use this visualization:

Visualize yourself being bathed in pure white light until you see all “darkness” dissolved into the light. Then, let this light expand outside yourself to form a protective bubble that reaches at least 5-10 ft. out and may even cover your whole space (house, office, etc.).

Step 2: Be Aware of the Love

Next, to allow more light and love in, first, recognize all the love that IS around. See how a parent hugs their child. Notice the birds singing songs to each other. See a couple holding hands. In human nature and, nature itself there are SO many expressions of love every day. Even if it is not directed at you (although you should take note and appreciate that as well), you can still let all that positive loving energy in!

Step 3: Set Intention

Next, set your intention by saying something like,

“I allow all love and positivity around me to add to and expand my light.”

If you are feeling lonely or down this week with Valentine’s Day and Family Day (in Canada here) coming up, this can be a quick way to lift your spirits and create more love within AND attract more to you.

Soon, you will begin to realize all the love that you already have and the unlimited supply that is available to you. And, the love that you can give as well (in a healthy way).

Here is to loving yourself and those around you! Until next time, keep being you, and be proud of it!

A Gift of Love to Yourself

Want to give yourself A HUGE transformative gift? A full-out overhaul of your mind, guiding you into self-love, empowerment, peace, productivity, positivity, and JOY? Click the button below to access the Free Your Mind program! Get 50% off with the code LOVE for the next 2 weeks!

Or, if you are just starting your journey in the well-being and energy-healing world, I would love to chat with you about your needs in a FREE consult!

With love, light, and joy always,


P.S. Be sure to JOIN our Facebook Group! I am always there to help support your healing and thriving journey! There is even a chat option to ask me or the group any questions you want!

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Hi! I'm Sarah @Rise Above Living

Certified Energy Therapist for Empaths and HSPs

With a B.A. in psychology and being certified in EFT, Reiki and BEAM therapy, along with being an empath and HSP (highly sensitive person) I have learned some of the BEST ways to cope with life's stresses. I love teaching these techniques and tools AND continue to benefit from them. I have a passion for helping others and I have a deep desire to see this world evolve to be a happier and more joyful place. Check out the resources I offer below and sign up for my newsletter!

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