
Hi! I'm Sarah @Rise Above Living

🧘‍♀️🥰Week 3: SELF-CARE: Prioritize it! 🥰🛀

Published 8 months ago • 3 min read

Hello Sensi-Seeker

5 Weeks of Empath Solutions

Week 3: Prioritize Self-Care

For the last couple of weeks, if you missed it, I talked about other empath challenges such as emotional overwhelm. Here is the blog post regarding this topic, titled, "Overwhelming Feelings as an Empath? 3 Easy Solutions".

Last week, we talked about setting boundaries, a much-needed skill in an empath's toolkit.

This week, let's discuss self-care in more depth. It is definitely not a new topic, BUT I have not talked about how difficult it is to implement for empaths.

Why Self-Care is Hard to Implement

Because empaths are in touch with others’ feelings, we automatically feel a sense of responsibility to make others feel better. This leads to us tending to others’ needs first when we should be looking out for ourselves.

As mentioned in our last newsletter about boundaries, it is NOT our responsibility to fix others’ pain. However, this is a hard pill to swallow. We want to believe that if we can fix everything, it will all be okay.

But neglecting ourselves, leads to our number one problem, emotional overwhelm and exhaustion. Which, as you know, if we are in that state, we can barely help ourselves never mind others properly.

How to Implement Self-Care into Your Daily Life

So, let’s prevent emotional overwhelm from happening in the first place, by prioritizing SELF-CARE. Here are some steps to transition into this much-needed habit:

1) Having the awareness and courage to set boundaries. Because we first must emotionally, physically, and energetically remove that “responsibility” factor.

2) Prioritize seeking help when needed. For example, find a good therapist and/or healer of some kind and create a regular schedule with them. This will help you be centered, grounded, and strong in your own mental and emotional state.

3) Write down the top 5 things you need to feel at ease, and peaceful. Put these activities in your schedule. For instance, maybe it is alone time. Schedule that in for every morning when you wake up you get 30 minutes of pure alone time and peace.

4) Make a list of your BASIC needs, Such as; eating, showering, exercising, etc. Yes, I know this may seem silly, but you would be surprised at how many of us empaths even neglect ourselves physically for others (especially us moms). And again, schedule it if you have to!

*Time-saving hack: Combine basic needs with at-peace needs! For example, a long and meditative shower!*

5) Take your most needed activity AND most enjoyable need you listed and start small. I say most enjoyable AND needed because both factors will motivate you to do it. Also, because this process can be overwhelming, so starting small is key. An example of this might be taking an extra 10 minutes every morning to eat breakfast in a mindful way.

BONUS TIP: Self-esteem goes hand in hand with self-care!

If you are struggling to get started, it may be because you feel you don’t deserve this type of care, due to low self-esteem. But remember, if OTHERS deserve your care, so do YOU. You are deserving of love and have your needs met.

This is why seeking help made the list. To build our mental and emotional strength, working on building up our self-worth is key. Once you gain that feeling, you will start to automatically practice self-care more.

"You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection." - Buddha

Tapping/EFT (emotional freedom technique) is a GREAT tool to help us transform our limiting beliefs about ourselves into empowering ones! Check out our service below:


Energy Therapy Session

A comprehensive Energy Healing session, using EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), Reiki, BEAM (Bio-energetic Emotional... Read more

And remember, prioritizing self-care, sets us up to better help others too, which equals a win-win for everyone!

Ready for a full-out overhaul of your mind, guiding you into self-love, empowerment, peace, productivity, positivity, and JOY? Click the button below to access the Free Your Mind program!

Or, if you are just starting your journey in the well-being and energy-healing world, I would love to chat with you about your needs in a FREE consult!

With love, light, and joy always,


P.S. Be sure to JOIN our Facebook Group! I am always there to help support your healing and thriving journey! There is even a chat option to ask me or the group any questions you want!

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Hi! I'm Sarah @Rise Above Living

Certified Energy Therapist for Empaths and HSPs

With a B.A. in psychology and being certified in EFT, Reiki and BEAM therapy, along with being an empath and HSP (highly sensitive person) I have learned some of the BEST ways to cope with life's stresses. I love teaching these techniques and tools AND continue to benefit from them. I have a passion for helping others and I have a deep desire to see this world evolve to be a happier and more joyful place. Check out the resources I offer below and sign up for my newsletter!

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